I'm already feeling the awful effects of having to work on several subjects at once in less than half the usual amount of time given to public schooled kids. IT'S PAINFUL. I don't seem to have any time for myself, my friends, or my books anymore!
All the same, I will have an Alberta diploma at the end of it, which will make getting into a university a lot easier. I mean, homeschooling is wonderful and I don't regret having been involved in it or anything, but it certainly has its downfalls once post-secondary swings around. Imagine wrangling with portfolios and upgrading and spending forced years at a Bible college when all you needed was a piece of paper! Luckily, my mum is less a public-system hater and more a lover of practicality, and I have escaped such counter-productive messing about. HUZZAH!
So for now, with my social life and loyalties to classical homeschooling languishing, I study what THE SYSTEM wants to teach me.