In keeping with the usual course of life, intense busyness has kept me from all the things I wish I could be doing, with very few exceptions (this is why the summer is going to be full of projects!) Naturally, with so little time, I haven't spent it updating my blog. However! I have at last decided that I simply must post something; if only to maintain the idea that I am, indeed, still alive. Which led to this post: a summary of my latest goings-on for all you lovely stalker chaps out there. So this is what's gone down, I:
Got thick-rimmed hipster glasses.
near-sighted lenses, clear-green frames, almost-cateye edges
Saw The Avengers thrice.
greater than expectations, funny, exciting; full of hot men (*totally the main reason)
Smoked a Cuban cigar.
gritty, stung the lips, tasted dark and fiery; smelled like a distinguished Orson Welles character
Saw the U.S. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (finally!)
impressive, excellent visuals, David Fincher at his best; better than the Swedish version
Read Macbeth.
gorgeous, intense, deep; I have totally memorized Lady Macbeth's dark soliloquy
Started seriously listening to Bjรถrk, Jeff Buckley, and The Black Keys.
fantastic and strange | beautiful and soulful | exciting and talented
Gutted and rearranged my room.
long time coming, much needed, deeply satisfying
Watched three of the most depressing movies ever.
never watch: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Raging Bull, or The Wind that Shakes the Barley (unless, of course, you have a heart of steel)
Read A Room with a View by E. M. Forster.
charming, funny, lovely; a perfect picture of Italy with excellent social commentary
Hyped Prometheus like no tomorrow (and still am!)
this next installment of the Alien series has been a long time coming --I simply cannot wait for June 8th!
Purchased a book on bread-making.
using it is one of my main summer goals!
Signed up for Driver's Education (finally!)
because I want/need the experience and the reduced insurance pay, but mostly because I am sick and tired of depending on my parents to drive me places --this has been put off for far too long!
Watched all of Doctor Who and The Walking Dead
oddly charming and addictive, despite cheesiness | excellent effects and cool idea (though mediocrely executed and not even close to the quality of the comics)